Showing disclosure for customers
As your agent has advised you, they are currently unavailable to personally show you the property as planned, However they has made arrangements through ShowIT Solutions to ensure that you have the opportunity to view the property with the assistance of a Showing Agent who will represent them during the tour.
The Showing Agent’s responsibilities include opening the property for you and providing a guided tour, showcasing its features. The Showing agent will answer any questions you may have based on their knowledge of the property. However, it is important to note that the Showing Agent’s role is not intended to replace your agent
By viewing the property with a Showing Agent, you can gather first-hand impressions and assess its suitability based on your unique requirements. This first-hand experience will enable you to make a well-informed decision before considering submitting an offer.
In the event you would like to submit an offer on the property, once your agent becomes available, it is strongly advisable for them to personally view the property. Your agent will provide you with comprehensive feedback and insights that are specific to your needs and preferences.